j Jute Webbing | Mohajan Trade Intl.

Jute Webbing

High Quality Jute Webbing / Tapes / Bandages are available with the guaranteed durability and strength.

Jute Webbing has popularity in different industry. It is enormously used in cable industry and Carpet Industry. It is also used for making seat belt for car industry. Jute webbing is a tape made of jute which is strong and eco-friendly.

We provide superior quality Jute Webbing that is highly acclaimed in the national and international markets. Our Industrial Jute Webbings are widely used in various industries for several applications. Highly durable, our Jute Webbings provide long lasting excellent performance

Made with premium jute, the Jute Webbings are known for their feature of durability. The Jute Webbings are in extensive demand for various applications. Jute webbing are also known by Jute tapes, Jute bandage for tree ties, bag handles & decoratives.

Whatever is your need we are here to supply you that.

We, Mohajan Trade Intl. is being the name of trust for decades now for our commitment
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